Wigrum Bold
Wigrum Bold — 90 pt
The geometric and sensitive polyglot
Wigrum Bold — 60 pt
Sebastian Wigrum is not one to recoil before the ordinary. What simpler fact than one’s existence? What deeper mystery? Time, which engulfs all things, will flow on without us.
Wigrum Bold — 30 pt
Bombs are falling over London. Europe is at war. For the atheist or the relativist, reality can seem a dead end. Wigrum broods. But there is always a way! From Afrikaans to Zulu, or even Welsh, fictional beings can speak every language, without knowing any. And while it seems that they cannot do without us, they also inhabit reality and enjoy many benefits that we do not…
Wigrum Bold — 15 pt
Let go of your melancholy, Sebastian. Pick up your umbrella, put on your hat, and go out into the fog. You know it and feel it: no matter, my dears, my absent ones, we will meet again between the pages of a book. Wigrum was born in 2011, while Feed was working with Daniel Canty on the design of his novel, Wigrum. Sebastian Wigrum, a mysterious collector of everyday objects, vanishes from his London flat during the Blitz. He exists on the uncertain boundary between fiction and reality, between past, present and future, from West to East of a re-imagined Europe… The font that bears his name is imbued with a sensitive geometry inspired by the sans serifs of the 1930s and their future brethren, while allowing itself flagrant eccentricities. — Daniel Canty